9 Top-Notch Digital Marketing Strategies for Beauty Salon Business

9 Top-Notch Digital Marketing Strategies for Beauty Salon Business

The beauty industry is growing with an exponentially large number. Thanks to the digital marketing strategies for beauty salon business!

From 2016 to 2021, the beauty industry has come a long way with a compound annual growth rate of 4.23 percent. And, it is expected to grow at the rate of 2.8 percent this year.

Rapid expansion through digital channels is indeed one of the best ways to attract more customers to your business in this digital era. But, what methods should you adopt in your beauty salon business? 

Here are some amazing beauty salon digital marketing strategies you must consider to see massive growth in your beauty business. 

Digital Marketing Strategies for Beauty Salon Business

Digital marketing in beauty industry depends on multiple factors, like the salon type, target customers, and the services offered by these beauty salons. However, you can leverage the following ways to make your salon business stand out from your competitors:

1. Create Your Online Presence with a Dedicated Beauty Salon Website

Example of the hero image of a beauty salon website.

The beauty industry is rapidly changing, and showing your clients that you are constantly evolving is one of the best ways to capture their attention. Creating a dedicated website for your beauty salon business is one of the best techniques for digital marketing beauty brands. It will not only make your salon accessible to your customers but also increase your walk-in rate.

Through an aesthetically pleasing beauty salon website, you can create a sturdy online presence by showcasing all your offerings under one roof. You can also showcase some of your best works on your website and add a suitable call to action so they can easily get in touch if they want to.

Therefore, websites can prove to be one of the fundamental digital marketing strategies for beauty salon businesses.

2. Use SEO Techniques as an Advantage

Now that you have your salon business website ready, the next strategy is to show up on the search results page. SEO is a great way to be more visible to people who are looking for you. It will help you rank higher in the search results, enhance website traffic, and gain new clients.  

Although it takes time to see significant results, these digital marketing strategies for beauty salon business will position you as a thought leader in your niche and allow you to get more appointment bookings. Moreover, you can leverage geotags to create a local audience base. You can also use referral programs as an advantage to garner the attention of the local audience. 

3. List your Salon on Online Directories

A man listing beauty salon business in onlin directories as one of the digital marketing strategies for beauty salon.

The third strategy on the list of digital marketing in beauty industry is to get your salon listed on online directories. 

It has been found that around 70 percent of potential customers check for a product or service online before actually purchasing them. Hence, you need to list your salon business on multiple online directories. Listing your salon business on Google My Business is one of the proven marketing strategies. Yelp and Facebook are also some of the other platforms people consider before availing of any service.

4. Make Good Use of Content Marketing

The beauty salon specialists uploading content on beauty tips to their website

Content marketing is yet another one of the effective digital marketing strategies for beauty salon businesses. It is a great way to create visibility amid online chaos and marketing trends. You can spill genuine tips and advice related to beauty, skincare, and hair care in the form of blog posts and articles. The information shared on your website will earn recognition for your brand and increase the DA score of your website.

A content calendar is a promising way to keep your website regularly updated with the latest information related to the beauty industry. This way, you can attract visitors to your website again and again and eventually convert them into your clients.

5. Offer Exclusive Deals on Social Media

Social media post examples of a beauty salon website.

According to GlobalWebIndex, around 54 percent of people browse social media platforms to research products and services.

Salon social media marketing is an effective tool for beauty salon digital marketing. From posting pictures and videos of your beauty salon to engaging the customers in a contest or giveaway, you can use social media platforms to spread brand awareness and loyalty. Posting video testimonials and tagging your clients is another great way of building credibility and receiving recognition from your clients’ followers.

Some of the powerful social media platforms for digital marketing in beauty industry are:


Instagram is one of the famous platforms for gorgeous-looking pictures and videos, and it can be a great social media outlet for beauty salons. You can post images, videos, reels, and much more to capture the attention of the viewers. Using local hashtags is also a fabulous way to gear up your Instagram marketing strategy for your beauty salon business. 


If you think that Facebook has become outdated, then you are highly mistaken. It is still a great platform that assists you in staying in front of your customers and enhancing the retention rate. So, if you still have not created an account on Facebook, it is time to construct your salon Facebook page and start promoting your salon business on the platform.

Some of the other social media platforms you can consider for digital marketing beauty brands are Pinterest, Snapchat, Twitter, and LinkedIn. So, don’t wait further and leverage the power of social media to boost your beauty salon business online now!

6. Start Posting Videos on YouTube

A girl creating skincare video as one of the digital marketing strategies for beauty salon.

YouTube videos are gaining a lot of traction these days, and uploading beauty and makeup videos on the platform can yield high audience reach and engagement. You can create videos that are not only informative but also engaging. Hence, it is an excellent way of connecting your business to the audience and instilling trust and confidence in them. 

If you keep on uploading videos on YouTube regularly, you gain the benefit of monetization after you reach a specific number of subscribers and viewers. It is indeed one of the most profitable digital marketing strategies for beauty salon businesses.

7. Dedicate Some Time to Email Marketing

Examples of beauty salon email newsletters

You may think that email marketing has lost its charm, but that is not the case. It is the most effective strategy of digital marketing in beauty industry, even in present times.

Email marketing is highly targeted, personalized, and cost-effective. Unlike other social media platforms, you can make a place straight into your customers’ inboxes through email marketing. You can easily retarget your customers and encourage them to make a purchase.

If you are still resilient to leverage the benefits of email marketing, you should start now!

8. Build Credibility through Client Testimonials

salon testimonial

According to Big Commerce, around 72 percent of customers are likely to purchase a product or service from a business if they have positive reviews and testimonials.

Client testimonials are a potent strategy for digital marketing in beauty industry. Your customer wants to see or hear about what your present customers feel after availing of your services. It helps them to make prompt decisions while selecting a salon. Thus, request your clients to provide feedback about your salon services, and you can use it to create a position of your business in the eyes of your new customers.

Therefore, showcasing client testimonials on your website in the form of texts or videos is one of the best practices of digital marketing beauty brands that can compel your visitors to take the desired action.

9. Run Targeted Ad Campaigns

Example of an ad copy for a beauty salon.

The last strategy on the list of beauty salon digital marketing is running targeted advertisement campaigns. Internet users are likely to avail themselves of the services when they see an advertisement frequently. Pay Per Click (PPC) campaigns and Facebook advertising are some of the suitable methods of digital marketing beauty brands. These advertisements reach local customers with specific interests effortlessly and encourage them to book online appointments.


Running a beauty salon business online stipulates you to keep up with the latest beauty salon digital marketing trends. With these strategies in place, you can create a strong brand presence and accumulate clients from all corners. 

So, if a strong digital presence is a priority for your salon business, you should connect with Incrediwire. It is one of the best digital marketing agencies that offer a customized blueprint of strategies you can adopt to amplify your beauty salon business online. So, what are you waiting for? Book a free one-on-one consultation now!


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